Monday, 25 September 2023


This is a tiny attempt to express my feelings

The gushing tides of Indian Ocean
Sounds and resounds as JAI HIND
Our culture is majestic as ocean
Divesity is the strength of nation
Our bonds are valuable as treasures
Our Rivers, Mountains, Forests
Originating places of civilization
Our aims are as great as Himalayas
Our problems are tides of ocean
Our grace shines like divine blue
Millions of voices unite to say

On the edge of the silent stream

In the melodious noise of silence

Countless leaves leisurely hang

To the tunes of wind from stream

The hollow heart with pleasant mind

Sing tranquil lyrics in the evening


Life is an unending journey from womb to tomb,

All the tiny travels in between make a big journey

Each journey is distinctive and different in form

Each travel gathered some dust of experiences;

That served as cementing matter to build a road!

I have no fear, I tread with confidence

Though each trip is planned with care

Expedition to the divine mountains

Is a great experience to share?

I have no chariot or animal to ride

Or built in roads or sign boards to tread

I should move like a bird in the sky

With no traces of foot prints in my way

The Almighty in my heart drives me!

I feel heavy with my luggage on my back

Like my responsibilities packed with disabilities

But education equipped me with many capabilities

Few encountered like teachers and friends

With useful advice and a helping hand

Few irritate like barking dogs and many ignore

A large number slither away from back door;

Many queries emerge like unknown paths

I tread the unknown land with known purpose!

The deep valleys and steep peaks are hazardous

Like the open mouths of devouring demons,

Ready to engulf if slipped, like bad habits;

I plodded up the perilous peaks with helping men

With simple words of gratitude after each climb;

I wonder when men with mundane desires

Lie before the renounced saints for the grace

Are they disgusted of the salvation?

Why a renounced teach of bonds? 

Why a bonded wanted to renounce?

Many unanswerable questions

Like many unknown routes!

The travel is unending, unbelievable

Incredible; inexplicable with innumerable

Pains and gains! Impossible to analyze!

But when I realize

The land and sky; air and water are similar

Diversity lies in our thoughts

Each item on my back turns unnecessary

Like my attachments and interests

I began to drop one by one

To become lighter and delighted;

The idiotic greedy picked the dropped

Get infirm and depressed beyond recoup;

I returned to the base unknowingly

With empty hands and lots of experiences


I am on a final voyage to unknown lands

With empty valet and delighted soul 

Leaving the tiny mote for others

And elemental body to five elements!


As the Sun stands above the trees in the west

The yellow leaves fall like memories in crest

But looks like golden shower from the sky

As the sky glows in mesmerizing golden yellow

Leaves like memories and shadows sunk gradually

The lone fisherman sings to assert his presence

As I turn back to look at my hard journey

Rising moon is pleasantly shining

Like the reflection of the sinking Sun

The mind swings between East and West 



Let us fly! Let us fly to divine high

 To drench in showers of golden sky

 The roads laid by men are damageable  

 But our path is divine, truly enjoyable

Mother Nature is our treasure

We are pure and purity is our culture

We are divine in thought and act!

Hence we move on divine heights ! 


A chain of tiny dew drops

On the hanging cob-webs

Knowing their sure flop

Charmingly shine in morn

Like the brave warriors of nation

It is a silent way of devotion

Silent service to nation


Tiny drops of rain slowly begin to flop

Like lovely angels from heaven;

The shining, spherical, transparent drop

A precious and pleasant divine weapon;


A drop fell on the beautiful flower

The fragrant flower secreted the nectar,

Another drop landed on the soil

Pleasant odour emitted without toil;


One more tumbled on the head

It broke the dormant thoughts in my mind,

Few drops dripped my nimble palm

Modified as ink in my humble pen;


As more drops want to explore the beauties on earth

Pushed each other and fell like myriad of crowds in mirth

Gradually the individual identity is dumped in ashes

The tiny beauties turned into roaring masses!


I wish to be remembered like single rain drop

That germinates mirth or misery as the crop

And sinks like nectar into the thoughts and hearts

Although nothing to offer for all thy love imparts!



The evening is with vibrant colours

A magical spread of light on clouds

Make the cosmos variously charming!

Life is action refraction and reflection

Of light, of thought, infinite


Each reflection is novel and precious

Let us enjoy Nature

As per our lens view

and thought’s review! 

An autotroph in self respect
A saprophyte over failures
A predator when angry and hungry
A parasite for many needs
A symbiont in opportunity
An omnivore in adversity
The organism is a man!


When I gazed at the high peaks

 Dressed in pure white snow looks

Like a goddess with majestic smile

The mind sings tunes of pure joy

The deep valleys in between

Intrigued by unending blue sky

Like the unknown teasing thought

To deal with ever unknowable 


Life is a charming amalgamation of colours

Divine beauty and tranquillity are painted 

In the universe in diverse forms

But poignant shadows follow the life boat of altruism

If we introspect the course of journey deeply!

Please look above for divine colours not for shadows


The rhythmic music of weavers loom resounds

In my beautiful sarry with golden motifs

Bundles of soft colourful threads in small house

Weaved to make all dress needs to shrouds

Our National Flags exhibits the skill of weavers

They weave the threads with hopes and dreams

On the old wooden loom with care in variety of designs

But gloom is piled up like unsold stalks

Life is full of designs with hungry seams  

As globalization of synthetics dyed

The lives of weaves they die of hunger!

We boast of Hand looms weaver’s skills

But the farmer and weaver are derided

Let us protect them to preserve our culture!

The tunes of the evening hues

The Sun sunk gently and silently

Leaving dull hues in the gloaming

Memories are looming like a painting

The colours paint a sketch pleasantly

The silent tunes of the evening invite

A tiny friend VENUS to enjoy the art

But many stars follow her as myriad

Then the charm of gloam is lost in dark!


Hope is light AND might

Hope is life AND belief;

Hope is heaven AND divine

Hope is need  not greed

River of Hope

A streak of hope arise like water stream

From high rocky mountain as dream

The cascade flow forward in spite of hurdles

I float in a tiny boat of dreams reaping small 

As a river give life to many along the route

Hope filled thought provide many ways to fight

My daily journey on the river of hope

Never ends but merges with life’s thought  


If you have fire

You can realize the desire

If you have spark

You can create your own mark

If you have faith

You will get the strength

If you are optimistic

You will be always fantastic!


 As I look at the vast blue sky

The power of Almighty is known by the Sun

The unparallel charm of Nature by moon

The raining clouds are vouchsafing nature

So the sky is my inspiration and destination!


Dream hopefully 

Observe quietly

Open the wings silently

Fly with jet velocity

Glide in the sky freely

Struck the aim violently

Enjoy the result appreciably


The mind is fresh and free to fly high

To enjoy the beauty of morning hues

Those who can’t fly observe my shadow

In the stream to hunt in whatever method

But who can rise enjoy the colours of wings

To swing in the holy cradle of universe!


Flight is my absolute right

Pleasant delight and fight of plight

Always quiet in height and mighty

Light weight and potent thought

Made me independent and buoyant 


Under the serene blue sky, in a muddy water pool

A naked female corpse floats like words of a fool

A flock of black birds wheeled above like the crimes

Myriads of insects smelled, licked and bit many times;


This corpse with an unnatural end, challenging

The values of the people and rulers of nation;

The angels guarding this land peeping from the heaven

Might have sent these insects and birds for cleaning;


A poor old man in dirty clothes with innocent looks

Reached the pool on viewing the noisy crooks

He pulled the corpse out of mud for no returns

And covered a dirty towel, with no mourns;


A constable and few men who couldn’t relish

Asked him to move away for his foul smell

He stood bending his head aloof with blank look

Like disgusting criminal despite his good work;


A girl offered hundred rupees with thanking looks

He was confounded at the offer and afraid of crooks

She wrote, “I can’t think of dumped like this corpse

What is her crime for being treated as garbage?


People who pollute the resources with clean clothes

Loaded with nefarious thoughts and habits are criminals!

Is it the way to treat a scavenger !

Who put the cloth on to save modesty!!!

Identifying devils in human attire is very difficult

Because we are accustomed to such cult

Expecting safety for women is a miracle!”

Because fear and negative thoughts warps!!!


The girl with water filled plastic pot on shoulder

Walks slowly with care to cross the boulder

She hums folk tunes to forget the pain of life

Where poverty and ignorance were rife


The cart driver with a load of sugarcane

Followed the girl, with songs insane,

He begged for some water to quench his thirst

She stopped to help, as emotions are on burst;


The girl was fascinated and wooed by his gifts

She innocently followed him to the thorny thickets,

He decorated her with a necklace of Jequirity,

Entangled her with beastly lust like a serpent;


The girl fell like a bead as the necklace is broken,

The immorality, lechery nature was outspoken

The man like black spotted seed with poison

Mutilated the girl and left her like bleeding bagasse! 


In the magnificent stream of democracy

Value of Rights and responsibilities shine

On the surface like reflection of sunlight

The depth of the stream or

The strength of a dream is not known

Politicians fling a net of promises

To trap them to gain power to rule

Ratio of persistence and resistance

Count the sustenance of this fishing    

 Voters are counted or listed by parties

For success depends on counts not thoughts

It should be known voters are not mute fish

When they determined to nullify selfish wish

The vote is used as powerful weapon

To realize their dreams and achieve goals!


The farmer stands in the cracked soil

His heart is aching with mental turmoil

The half-starved cattle is looking for grass

People are searching for water sources en masse!

The dreams of rains and grains frozen in veins

The soil is dried from the bottom, misery reins

The air is blowing like furnace fire,

The clouds ran away fearing the sun’s ire

Beads of sweat broke out like rain

His working energies are in strain

Yet fighting like a soldier in the battle

He drove away the sullen cattle

As the water mines are emptied

The tiny life is mercilessly killed

The Mother Nature is grimaced, 

Wearied children of soil embraced

Death, as the life liquid is exhausted

Let us join hands to conserve water

To save precious lives of the soil!  


Political party leaders and rulers visit

And garlanded the statue of Mahatma Gandhi

That stands on in the heart of the town

But not in their selfish showy hearts

Grandeur and violence pompously danced

Truth and non-violence are  statued!

The statue also stands as a land mark

As he stands like an embodiment of virtue

For the commuters and common people!

When‘Ram’ and ‘Truth’ differently interpreted 


The wild flowers in multitude of colours

Grow freely dance with grace with wild winds

The far away mountains accentuate the beauty

The winds wrinkle with feathers is in wild delight

Tiny white clouds move like angels in the sky

It is pious place where mind blooms pleasantness

Let me experience the fragrance of winds,

Beauty of colours to define divinity of Nature!


The rain is pouring down incessantly like my thoughts

The wings are wet with raindrops to hinder the flight

The dirt is washed out without strife from wings

My heart is light and sacredly happy and sings    

I fly like a water drop from the ocean to Heaven

Looking down the land of pleasures and pains

I run down to make you happy! My journey is circular!

Between raising ocean to falling Heavens! 


The sun flames yellow sinks gradually in darkness

Aged people when came out of the unseen cages

Their eyes shine with remembrances of lifetime

The unsung melodies of the souls reflect in the voice

In spite of their awareness of the cruel world around

 They recapitulate lots of memories charmingly

Though they are marching to the valley of silence!

  This is a tiny attempt to express my feelings JAI HIND The gushing tides of Indian Ocean Sounds and resounds as JAI HIND Our culture is ma...